Why Black People Need To Invest

hundred dollar bills

I'm sure that if one were to do a perfunctory Google search on "african american investment clubs" one would be hard pressed to find one. At least for me that has been a huge issue for me. As a black woman living in NYC, I have had difficulty finding an investment club catered specifically to either black women or black people in general within the NYC area. I am still on the search for one because I believe that Investment Clubs can help reach goals that are imperative to the black agenda within the African Diaspora.

It is great that there has been a steady rise of black entrepreneurs within the African Diaspora, but where are the black investment clubs?? In my opinion, in order to get the African Diaspora to reach levels of prosperity like the USA, Europe, China, etc., generating wealth amongst those in our communities can help increase our power as a whole to make decisions that are way more meaningful and impactful for our agenda. If you're curious about how to start an investment club, or for more information as to why an investment club is very important in our communities, please read Solutions For Black America: Investment Clubs.

It is truly important that we pay more attention to how to grow our money for the next generation, than what is going on in our entertainment world. After all, many of the major players that we watch on TV or hear through our headphones have gotten their financial portfolios and investments in order. While we continually spend our money on them with no care for how our next generation will live or survive. It's better to invest in all the high-end luxury wear that people are killing each other for, invest in the businesses that places the entertainment in front of our faces, or even in the restaurants that we waste our money on unnecessarily. Not saying that I am not guilty of doing this, but I definitely do plan on working on this while I'm still young, as opposed to waking up at 35 and wondering what the hell I did with the money as a result of working hard through the best of my youth. Living in the moment so that you can have "memories you can cherish" should not come at the expense of saving for the future, because those memories ain't going to keep you warm at night later on when your body gets too damn tired to work.

Sorry for the long rant, but let me know what your thoughts are on what I said or even investing in general.

(Photo Source: scottalanturner.com)


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